Telescope on a Walking Stick ~ GAMES AND GADGETS

Tech news, gadget reviews and how-tos on just about anything and everything.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Telescope on a Walking Stick

In spy movies, walking stick serves a variety of purpose. You've seen walking sticks with retractable blades, hidden swords, chemicals, etc but I've never seen walking sticks with Telescopes.

The Telescope Walking Stick has a handle which when pulled out reveals a small retractable 4 1/2" telescope. Don't expect to go star-gazing with this baby since you will only get a 3x magnification with a telescope of this size. The Telescope can also be locked into place for extended viewing. Of course, it makes a pretty decent walking stick too since it features a 1" thick staff made from solid, African rosewood.

Via: Redferret

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