Tech news, gadget reviews and how-tos on just about anything and everything.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Domain

I have recently moved to a new domain name as you can glean from the address bar above. I was thinking of adding the word Game in my blog title so it can be: Game, Gadget, Reviews, and How-Tos but my blog title is already a mouthful as it is. Maybe I will just be adding more game reviews in order to go well with the overall theme of the blog.

As for purchasing webhosting for my blog, I’m still torn. I’m a happy camper with blogger, everything’s easy plus there are a lot of resources and tips regarding tweaking the Blogger platform but then again, I really want to learn more and be more hands on regarding my blog though I’m still not doing this full time.

I wish Google would just follow Yahoo’s footsteps and start selling web hosting. But I guess the big G already has their hands full, I mean with them buying off the whole internet and all.

Although I wish that before Google would venture into webhosting, they should really improve their Blogger platform first. Though I really find Blogger easier to use than wordpress, I envy wordpress bloggers because they have more control over their blogs plus a lot more widgets that they could add.

Anyways, for those linking back to my blog, kindly change my URL. Thanks.

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